Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blog Assignment September 7, 2008

I can honestly say that I really do not understand the sprinkling of powdered sugar thing, maybe it is a metaphor for sugar coating her harshness.  I mean that was kind of confusing for me.  I got that she wanted to be different and not lead a life like her mother, serving others.  She said, "I wasn't going to be anything like what was expected of me." It seems like she never wanted to conform to the social "norm" of the time. She wanted to stand out in the crowd.  I interpereted it as she wanted to be seen in kind of the image as Rosie the Riveter, strong and could do what needed done.  She even says that she wanted to look like " A woman who could do what was necssary..."  Maybe it is not Rosie she was trying to be but more like Lucy Stone?  Lucy Stone was one of the first women to earn a college degree in the United States, she graduated top of her class from Oberlin College and went on to organize the first national women's rights convention.  I take this from when she commented on the face that she was the first to graduate highschool.  I thought the ending was kind of odd as well when she finally agreed to having her picture taken at a laundromat, standing over a washer with a laundry basket proped up on one hip. 

It is funny, that now that I have written about this, I may have a bit better understanding of the story.