Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekly Blog Assignment September 21

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This video gives us a small sample of this kid's identity. First of all one has to be somewhat out going to make a video and post it so thousands of people can see it. Second, we know that he must be from a middle class family because he owns or at least has access to a video camera, internet, and a computer. We also see a small glimpse of the neighborhood he lives in when we see his house. It is also apparent that the kid is not Canadian, because most likely a Canadian would not sing about themselves in such away. To analyze this video a little bit more, one might say that this young man is some what of a want to be comedian. We could also assume that he possibly does not like the band GreenDay or he loves Weird Al.

All clips from youtube, rather they be long or short give us some idea of the person postings identity. It gives us an idea of what they like and what makes them laugh. It gives us a greater view of their identity when they create the video, because we get to see the environment they live in and their views on society and the world.